History, Journal, Teaching

The Struggle of Teaching History in Today’s Society

If you follow me on Social Media whether that be on here or on Instagram, you know I am very passionate about history. That passion usually revolves around World War II but I enjoy other periods as well like the American Revolution and Ancient Egypt. (In fact, my love of history began with Egypt). I love the stories of those who came before us. The stories of how they persevered through the hardships they faced.

I try to bring that passion to my classes. To tell the stories like how Teddy Roosevelt was shot right before giving one of his speeches during the 1912 election and wouldn’t go to the hospital until he had finished. Yet, despite telling these stories, my students find the class boring. They sit there either falling asleep, talking amongst themselves, or looking on their phones.

I don’t know how to get them to engage. To be interested in history. Granted many of these (in fact the majority of these students) are just taking this class as a gen ed requirement. And because of this they don’t care.

So on top of dealing with students who don’t care, I have a student who thinks he knows everything and wants to prove that through rude comments in class or by telling me the “correct” way to teach history in my office or in a comment on a quiz.

I hope teaching gets easier with each year. I for sure thought this semester would be better from the last especially since I was only juggling 3 classes instead of five. But honestly, I think they are about the same. I am trying to not let these students’ lack of interest and this one kid’s attitude bother me but it makes me question my ability as a historian. Then again, these students have told me that they aren’t reading the material.

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